How I work with brands

A lot of the time, the blog is produced by me and me alone, with no involvement from brands or sponsors. Sometimes, however, in order to pay the mortgage and purchase more wallpaper, I work with like-minded brands to produce content in collaboration with them. I cannot be more emphatic about the fact I will only work with brands I love, which fit in with my aesthetic and which I am happy to be associated with. There will be no “magic diet lollipop” adverts here. You’ll know if I’m receiving payment for a particular post, because it will clearly be marked either “AD: paid partnership with [brand]” (where I’m being paid by the brand to work with them) or AD: PR product (where I have accepted product in payment for the creation of content). Payment, or payment in kind, of this sort is a fair and appropriate reflection of the work and time it takes to create content for a brand as a one woman stylist/photographer/wordsmith. 

I also sometimes use “affiliate links” when I link to products available to buy. This means that if you click through to the product using my link and go on to purchase that product, I will make a small commission, usually an extremely small commission, on the sale. This costs you nothing extra and is of small benefit to me. If you don’t like the sound of that, then you can google the product separately and make your purchase that way and I will not get a bean. I will always flag posts containing affiliate links with “AD: affiliate links” or similar.

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