Hello! I’m Sandra. In the past I’ve always written these sorts of introductions in the third person, to suggest I was important enough to warrant a narrator. I’ve decided to abandon that in favour of just being myself, which sums up exactly what I want this blog to be. I have a corporate day job and this blog is nothing to do with that, and entirely to do with the things that make my soul sing outside of work.
I’ve loved interiors since my early teens, when my parents let me have total input into the redecoration of my bedroom. I did a splendid job with “Apple White” walls, some intense burgundy patterned curtains (aptly described by a family friend as “very Sandra”) and multiple posters of Robert Smith from the Cure.
My style may have moved on since the goth cavern of the early ‘90s, but my love of interiors has not. I now live in West Yorkshire, with my husband and two daughters, in a Victorian house, which I (I mean we) have been renovating for the past 8 years. Wallpaper makes me happy, as does the use of colour and pattern, often all at the same time.
I sort of fell by accident into Instagramming my interiors in 2017 and, since then, my Instagram account has evolved and led me into working with likeminded brands to create and style content for them, which I really enjoy. I made the Sunday Times list of “Who To Follow On Instagram” this year, and my work has regularly appeared in print (The Times, The Sunday Times, Grazia, the Evening Standard) and online (Apartment Therapy, Design Sponge, Elle Decoration Russia). The only downside of Instagram is the restrictive word count beneath your posts. I’m not great at being brief, so this is my space to get it all out of my system. Without hashtags. Unfettered. Unrestrained. Uninhibited. (Don’t run away!).
This blog is for talking about the things I love: home projects, interior styling, décor tips and general lifestyle loveliness.